Voice of the heart

there are some amazing people in this world poeple who have been stept on disrespected and told they would never be anything or amount to noting but the inner voices of these people are amazing and when that inner voice comes out its someting out of this world  its like magic silence filters the Air people are shocked   someting so outstanding could live in hearts of  human beings its the most beautiful thing in this world and thats what life is about man fighting. fighting to be known to be heard to understood  to be....LOVED no matter what

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When we speak words from the

When we speak words from the depths of our heart and soul, some people hear, but the entire universe LISTENS.


lovely write.

...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


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the ability to put our hearts

the ability to put our hearts into a piece of writting is someting that so few are able to do now a days

i never been good at telling people how i felt because i feel as they never listen but writing is my inner voice it tells my pains my sorrows it tells my life the true art of writing is not marely puting words on a piece of paper. its puting your heart and soul.  to me writing is a platform for the lost and misunderstood

Fritz etheart