
Know that in my goodbye
is a wordless infinity of regret
for losing you
you leave me gasping
for breath
choking on the sudden
of oxygen
or maybe
the sudden vastness
of air
newly sensed in my peripheral
where once
you stood
with your tickly mustache
tied to the top
of my lip

know that somewhere
I will forever be
hoping for you
breathing in air
that lies upon a city
that lies upon a state
that rests inside a country
or a world
you are an axiom to my breath
be well
love smarter
than you loved me but
remember how my hands
held your hips or my tongue
lapped your body
while spinning
in surety
for forever is how long
I wanted to be
in your mouth

know that you loved me
for the right time
in the right places
and all that could be was
know that regret is a foolish feeling
sometimes cannot help
but be a fool
forgive me
for failing you
forgive yourself

know that you let me let you go
by taking my words and destroying them
in this you gave me a chance
to live again
beyond the heartbreak
of the fact that i
would have done anything
for as long as it took
to keep you by me
swelling in my vision
a perfect lover
in an imperfect world thank you
for destroying yourself so fully
in my eyes that nothing
could be left and nothing
could be regretted
know that I have surrendered
to the obliteration
of your soul
for the while
inside mine
while I learn
to breathe again
in this new world into which
you forced me

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I like how real this is. How you really opened up and said what you really mean. I can tell that you really miss the subject of this poem. Very nice.