I’ve heard it said with age comes wisdom.

I’d like to think that’s true.

I like to think I’m wiser now than I was at 22


Wise enough to know family is important

how it’s influence is vast

how our present and our future are connected to our past


Wise enough to understand we are all one race

as every God has tried to guide us

one family, one community,

no matter what labels we use to divide us. 


Wise enough when I see hate to know…

love is the key

that love, compassion and acceptance 

is humanity.


Wise enough to know 

the way I want to be defined...

as a man who followed this philosophy:

It’s always better to be kind.


I turn 67 years old today….

and look forward to the new adventures that await

that will help me be a little wiser


when I turn 68.

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A revolution around the sun

Happy birthday! 

Copyright © morningglory

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This is a very profound poem.

This is a very profound poem.
