Her life was not an easy one…she’d experienced misfortune, heartache… pain…

but every time she’d fall in life…she’d get back up again…


She’d brush herself off, massage her scars, stand tall and all the while

she’d find a way to move on…and she’d always wear a smile.


We asked her one day: How do you do it?

How do you keep your spirits high?

Is there a secret to your happiness…if so, please tell us why.


She said the answer for me is simple…nothing too extreme

The key to my happiness has always been in my ability to dream.


Life will have its ups and downs…filled with losing…and redeeming… 

but I keep finding happiness…as long as I keep dreaming.


When life hands me a disappointment…when I’ve lost some self-esteem…

when one dream fails or is broken…I just dream another dream.


When one dream is over…good or bad…I take a moment to rejoice…or cry

then I remind myself there are as many dreams as there are stars up in the sky


Then I choose another star to dream on…and if that one leads to scars…

I look up to the heavens…and I choose another star.


And then I dream another dream she said…and when each day is through

I stop and take a moment to count…


how many dreams came true.

Her life was not an easy one…she’d experienced misfortune, heartache… pain…

but every time she’d fall in life…she’d get back up again…


She’d brush herself off, massage her scars, stand tall and all the while

she’d find a way to move on…and she’d always wear a smile.


We asked her one day: How do you do it?

How do you keep your spirits high?

Is there a secret to your happiness…if so, please tell us why.


She said the answer for me is simple…nothing too extreme

The key to my happiness has always been in my ability to dream.


Life will have its ups and downs…filled with losing…and redeeming… 

but I keep finding happiness…as long as I keep dreaming.


When life hands me a disappointment…when I’ve lost some self-esteem…

when one dream fails or is broken…I just dream another dream.


When one dream is over…good or bad…I take a moment to rejoice…or cry

then I remind myself there are as many dreams as there are stars up in the sky


Then I choose another star to dream on…and if that one leads to scars…

I look up to the heavens…and I choose another star.


And then I dream another dream she said…and when each day is through

I stop and take a moment to count…

how many dreams came true.

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This is awesome! I almost got teary eyed. :)

Copyright © morningglory