My Hyde Side


I sang my heart so you'd see I was best
I acted so well you wouldn't know it was me
I gave ten percent more then most of the rest
I gave it my all but to you, it couldn't be

I acted how i feel now, merderous anger
I bashed in the skull of my inocent friend
But he wont lay cold and motionless like a hanger
You on the other hand, your life will come to an end

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I tried out for Hyde in "Jeckyll and Hyde" the evil merderous, evil side of a doctor who tested on himself producing Hyde, his other self. i didnt get the part and i was a bit mad cuz some people who it was like their first musical, and got what seems to be a bigger part than me. this is to my choir director, one of the guys i look up too. i got over it later in the day

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Elfy's picture

Awwww I'm sorry hon that you

Awwww I'm sorry hon that you didn't get the part. I read this one when you posted but it was late and never Remb to respond. I think we discussed it though. Well there is always another play hon, it will be ok. :) good free write.


twisted_soul's picture

This was just a way to vent,

This was just a way to vent, I felt better after I wrote this. Hell I love being in it anyway. Another example of how poetry helps me emotionally