Keeper (since winter will not go away)

You know it's a good read when you pull it from bed,
and take it to the pisser,
read it while standing.

Like a fun-girl, she stands with,
I hold her in my left hand,
she's parted,
my head tilted,
skimming her lines.


Two t-shirts on, pulled above my navel.
Mid March with 2 feet of snow on the ground,
damn winter,
it will not go away.
My underwear pulled and pinned beneath my balls,
I read,
trickle a little,
then some more.
Bring her back to bed,
and like the perfect being she is,
lying face down,
spread open to satisfy me.


Jim Creston
March 2001
All Rights Reserved



My e-Book, Don’t Swallow The Toothpaste is released in .pdf form.
80 pages of contemporary and confessional poetry from the eyes of childhood through adult life.

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Author's Notes/Comments: 

Poetry is my passion and my occupation.  Your purchase of my books greatly help! :)


View jimcreston's Full Portfolio
allets's picture


Sounds professional - how did you do it? What did it cost you? Or - did a publisher independently select you for an e-book? How does that work? I bought my last book of poetry in 1995 when Hudson's closed it's northland bookstore ~~Lady A~~



JimCreston's picture

re: e-book

I put the poetry in .pdf form, so that it can be read on Adobe Acrobat and market the book myself.  Very low costs.