Gentle Guideline

Je Na Sais Quoi

Be a gentleman. Have the world

Lay at your feet with love and affection.

Yes, you can. Prevail. Not with coercion

Dwell in hearts of men and women

But with genuine concern.

Be an opportunist

Grab a win. It's no sin

With enemies to shake hands.

Yes, you can Control. Not with hate

Having faith to the universal law of nature

That says, 'Give and Take.'

Be a pioneer. Provide

‘Food for thought’


Darkness, ignorance

With brilliance,


Good words.

Yes, you can, conquer but not with arrogance.

Build a bridge, heart to heart, journey weary miles.

Be humble, pay attention. Be a gentleman.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Eyes betray Gentlemen as fanatics. A Gentle Man really can move the world with gentleness.

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Jesus, a gentle man, son of god, Prince of Peace, born a jew, after dying for me and you, into something greater grew.

A gentleman that would not allow his diciples to harm even those he new he had betrayed him. And rebuke one for using his sword.

Point being this beacon of light and goodness fulfilled the prophesy, but unless you have those that will stand against evil, like Jesus, all the good will be gone and the earth would truely have no hope. If evil did not exist, there would be no need for those to fight it. Tell me one place on this earth (besides the grave)where there is no crime, no violence, no men obsessed with power...I want a ticket there...The only place is in my mind and in my heart, but also there is that warrior that will defend to the death this place of peace and love.