
1. Blameless Ennui

Happiness intrudes on my glumness

Laughter has come to kiss my lips

Contentment brightens my being

My treasured facade finally rips

Adrenaline surges through my blood

Bells begin to ring in my ears

Taking the next step in front of me

I have over come all of my fears

My life is my own to reign

Reality’s no longer hidden

Defenses are not needed

My smile shines through unbidden

The curse has come to an end

The past I dare not fear

Appreciation has been granted

Stains on my purity disappear

My future’s been given meaning

An empty expanse is filled

The presence of a guardian

Revives dreams that once were killed

The abyss does have an exit

I’m not in the dark anymore

My spirit has an escape

Existence is no longer a chore

I shall leave it all behind

For a new life awaits me now

As I live my dream's life instead

Of the nightmare I used to know

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Since I started writing poetry, I have only written sad poems... this was my first attempt to break that cycle. Like it?

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James Daniel Darr's picture

Its a good poem my freind. and i think the ending fits it well. its nice to see that you have happiness in your life u deserved it so much