No Place Like Home

Crass but cocky 

Squinting but there is no sun

As if it hurts to take me in

You slide down the wall until you are almost on your back, 

giving the most content sigh

I sigh back at you

I am anything but content

"Don't be mad at me", you manage

I say nothing. I am afraid of what I'm thinking.

You are half gone. 

I'm dazed.

You grab my hand and try to pull me 

What a perfect metaphor for our entire relationship-

you on your ass, dragging me down with you

I still say nothing.

I lean my head into you.

You are home, comfortable and familiar

But this home is in shambles

The foundation is crumbling.

You are hazardous, 

I know it,

but I'm homesick already.

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I see you in a pair of dark

I see you in a pair of dark sunglasses, singing a stanza of Old Lang Syne...

Should Old Acquaintance be forgot,
and never thought upon;
The flames of Love extinguished,
and fully past and gone:
Is thy sweet Heart now grown so cold,
that loving Breast of thine;
That thou canst never once reflect
On Old lang syne.


allets's picture

Sweaty Writing

I am reminded of the song lyric "can get enough of yo love." Sugar and spice with salt - interesting twist ~a~