The Sad Shit

to live life without love is coming short of exsistence.

to have no one to hold you is painful with consistence.

to cry at night with sorrow as you continue to rot inside.

to forgive anothher tale of deceit, and place it all aside, is simply dramatic.

what does it matter that you love him.

who gives a fuck how much you care,why should you be impressed with what he can buy,when the nigga is never there.

i'm starting to believe that love ISN'T for everyone.

should i just go out and have my fun?

at least the tears won't be on a constant drop.

let's put a stop, to all the heartache.

forget about making it last forever, i need to get myself together.

or else,shit,i need some kind of help, or should i just live with the hand i'm dealt.

it's useless to cry and bitch, and moan when you're overlooked because you're grown.

no longer the baby, or daddy's little girl.

it's time for me to be successful, i'm off to face to face the world.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

JULY 21,2002

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Netta Jack's picture

I felt this one. LOVED IT!!!! I like your style and your flow. KEEP ON DOING THE DAMN THANG!!!!