Dream Experience#3"Spirit Guides"

dream experiences

SultryRose's Signatures

I believe we are being taught through our dreams. I know we all have spirit guides working with us.  I have had many dreams about speaking with them.  When I was dreaming, my spirit guide showed me where he lived and in the dream there was this small door that look as though it went to the attict.  He said to me if there is anything I need to know then just knock on my door and I will let you in. When I woke up I was curious about dream.  So the next night I decided to meditate to find that place and I was not able to find it.  Does this mean this dream is true? some would say no, and others would say yes.  Doors represent opportunities, the door to the attict represents a higher being. I think that my spirit guide was telling me that he is with me wherever, whenever I need him he will be there.  All I need to do is ask.  The dream taught me that we do have guides that assist us.  That sometimes they tell us in symbolic ways.  We just don't realize we are being taught until we reconize it later.

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word_man's picture

great poem,nice over view i know i had angels watching over me a few yearsago you just know

ron parrish