Why do you do this to me

2009 Poems

Got no call from you this holiday

no word from you that you are okay

So now I am worried, and very scared

For the truth, I am unprepared

Why didn’t you call,

If nothing serious,

Do you love me at all?

I just can’t help but wonder

I have waited for an eternity it seems

Put on hold all my dreams

Because all I wanted was you,

then this is what you do

Why do you do this to me

Maybe it is time that I should flee

Run far away and forget about everything

and the joy that life could choose to bring

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Afzal Shauq's picture

sure the who is cruel like you and doing to me same as the one do to you..... then sure the issue will raise.... any way well done a great love and lovely poem..this is a very good poem and like it much...your poetry is rich and inspiring too..hope you add more poems to enjoy... and wish if you go through my poems too... I am basically a peace dreamer and peacew wisher poet with 6 books and believe in love for all and peaceful world... let me share with you one of my owns says regarding peaceful life...(( a friendly smile is the best weapon of war to fight with...afzal shauq )) hope we save the ailing world with our love poems... for ensuring the peace