Many Years of Tenderness

Those warm brown eyes are still on me,

The same strong arms still surround me.

Tho' problems and wrinkles may have come

There has been nothing we haven't overcome,

Tho' time has cursed,

Time has blessed

With many years of tenderness.

Together we've seen it all,

Picked each other up when we fall.

Silent words have been said,

Small messages have been read.

Knowing for sure, when we speak heart to heart

It is for certain that only at death do these two souls part.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I had a drummer in a band tell that this poem touched him, so I will share it with you. One day I hope I'll be in a forever love like my poem talks about.  It was inspired by many older couples I know who have always been sweethearts, what a good example they set for me!
written 6/6/99

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This is a really sweet poem, romantic too, and I enjoyed it much. Just wait, it will come along!