


Lavender sunset

clever clouds slowly saunter

across fading blue


Nightlights aroused from slumbers

winter notates return date


 Image may contain: sky, cloud, outdoor and nature

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The poem is a very beautiful

The poem is a very beautiful description of one of life's great privileges---the color of the sky at dusk (and also at dawn).  Dusk is particularly meaningful to me as it was the usual time, in the best summer of my life, when my Beloved and I could spend time together; and also when on one particular evening that July, that same Beloved bestowed upon me the handle/screen name/nickname that set me free from my parents' overwhelming shadows.  Thanks for reminding me how it looked for me, back then.  I do not get to see it as much right now.

Starward, to become J-Called on June 17th, 2024

georgeschaefer's picture

Thank you.  that was a sunset

Thank you.  that was a sunset while my dog was running around in the dog park.