
You're singing a melody,

Falling upon To deaf ears.

No one turning failing to show any attention.

Your melody slowly dying becoming quieter,

over run by louder tunes.

So you change your melody

matching everyone around you.

But one person noticed,

hearing your dying melody.

Turning around and giving all the attention,

to hear your beautiful melody.

And all that you can give.

View sadistic-zazen's Full Portfolio
SSmoothie's picture

Love this! Thank you! Hugss

Love this! Thank you! Hugss

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

nightlight1220's picture

for some reason, reminds me

for some reason, reminds me of teen america and the big race to be 'famous' before they even know who they really are.


...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "