going down is easy

my fucked up head

going down is easy love
going down is always easy
it hurts like hell but it's easy...
never knowing where this is going is so fucken easy...
you just walk around and when you least expect it your there...
it's trying to get out of that hole that really fucken hurts the most...
it's trying to get up when you really feel that blow,
finding out your lost is when you really wanna go home.
all you wanna do is stop these tears from falling ...
all you wanna do is get up and run as far away as possible and never look back...
but falling is always easy...going down...is always so fucken easy...
you never even realize your there till it's too fucken late to turn back...
feeling lonely and not finding your place,
feeling insecure and tired all the fucken time,
these feelings of hopelessness and sadness never letting you just be.

i know how you feel love...we all go through this, all i can do is be here love...
all i can do is be here.
ill be your shoulder, ill be your ears, ill be your blanket, and ill even be your bear.
ill be here love all the way up...its hard, but you will get up.
i know you can because im here myself.

i know the hole you have inside, i know that feeling of shallowness within
it's dark and it feels never ending, it hurts and you don't know why...
there's something wrong and you have no idea what...

im here love, ill be here hun, all the way up.

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