My Blessing

Some say the meaning of a blessing is invoking God’s favour upon a person.


As I think about the time that has gone by how lucky I am to have you, I am blessed.


You have blossomed from a gorgeous, loving, caring and sexy young lady to a gorgeous, loving, caring and sexy young lady.


Over our journey together you have given us a home that people envy, love that can’t be surpassed and a family that can only be dreamt of.


It is not always perfect, it hasn’t come easy, we have hurdled over some major obstacles, but I wouldn’t change a thing because we did it together


Whilst anniversaries are a reminder of where we have come from, I want to mark this one of the good times that we are yet to see.


You are still the one I want, need and long for.


I am truly blessed to have you. I love you now and forever and ever and ever to infinity.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

She really is my blessing

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Aw so sweet! Love is

Aw so sweet! Love is something you work for the harder you work the deeper it gets. Not everyone has the the constitution compassion or the fortitude to make it last. Glad you found a source of great blessing and I hope she knows how lucky she is to have someone like you who sees it. Lovely words to melt hearts, frostbite? I don't see it. Maybe lovebite?

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."