How I Long For You

The day I left was so unpleasant.

The tirany of distance is so painful.

Technology helps a little, however it tantilizes my soul, teasing it, holding it hostage like being a prisoner and not having the ability to break through the glass. 

The thought of being away from you day by day is agonising.

Irrational thoughts come into my head trying to convince myself to come home.


I wake up in the morning with a breath of fresh air and thought of new beginnings, however the beggining is a means to an end because your not there.

The morning coffee is not the same because your not there.

The idea of coming home to you at the end of the day is depressing because your not there.

The smell of you is missing from me because your not there.

The thought of kissing you is troublesome because your not there.

The art of our love making is harrowing because your not there.

The notion of having dinner with you is bland because your not there.

There is an emptiness in my physical world because your not there.


However in my heart and mind you will always be there. 

How I long for you my love, loving you always and forever and soon to be together again.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is a poem for my life partner and lover, who I am missing as I am away and can's wait to see again, but it's not coming soon enough.

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You need to write more. This

You need to write more. This has good bones but needs a little tidying. Or a bit of ssmoothing out. I like the sentiments expressed here.

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."