Resistance is Futile

Slowly my heart pumps again,
To be filled once more,
This fear dissipates,
I cannot escape.

I follow the path,
Being the fool that I am,
Falling down this eternal dive,
Could it be another?

I could only hope,
Could only wish,
Since that it is for once,
That someone loves me...

More than I love them.
That I should eventually,
Love them the same,
And I know I will.

Reclaim my heart,
And give it away,
All over again.
Tears of fear.

I can't escape you,
Because I want you,
I can't ever leave,
Because I need, you.

In the rain,
By myself,
I tried to stop,
And I'm invincible.

For an eternal day,
I lived, and I was,
My dream has gone,
And where has this come from?

I can't believe it,
True love?
I can't see it,

How I want it so badly,
And yet here I am,
Afraid of you,
Of your love.

I love you too.
And you know,
I'm scared of that,

I hope on forever for us.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I had to write it.

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