
I cried out and they walked away.

As per usual, angels masqueraded as saints to gain wisdom.

What have I gained?

An emptiness, a nothing.

And this nothing will eat my core until I am filled with an overwhelming apathy.

I cared once, about many things, about myself.

Now i've begun to desconstruct and watch myself bleed in a mirror.

My own downfall.

Ultraviolet hair in her face, glittering eyes shooting poison tipped daggers at the back of your head, how do you stand upright sometimes?

I will hate you until I die, just because you joined the ranks of others in my life.

And I thank you for meeting expectations.

And I love you for being predictable.

And now I leave you knowing that old habits will die harder that before now that you're not here.

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I Made A List

Of poets I would asked to publish with Thorne Publications, Detroit, if I was still publishing, which I am not, I would ask you because no poet here or elsewhere could be first. Come back soon from wherever you have gone, please. One of your tat's could go on the cover - Your ass is required here! - Lady A