My sayings

True evil people are never discovered. U can have sex with 1000 women it's only easy to remember your first and last. Better to work days then to be paid more and work nights. Coffee is for people that are not self starters. Condoms stop weeks of worry. Pimples look worse in a mirror. A bum and a gambler know how to survive on nothing. It's okay to follow in on the path of success. Handouts are only for the helpless. A bank is to you as a plug is to a sink. Don't sleep longer than u have been awake. Enjoy this life in the after life your a maggot. Don't mistake a beautiful face for a clean vagina. If A  kid is disrespectful the parent failed. If I was neutered I would be rich. New vehicles are for the elderly. A woman's hair is her lock, a mans hair is his age. After 2 it's you ( referring to x bfs or gfs saying they are crazy. if u say my last 3 gf were crazy either u are crazy or u caused them to be crazy. I can't do u without u!

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If I Am Coming Back

as fly eggs, then I'd better get busy. A series of topics for the autobiography live in this write. Here is the sum of all wisdom :D ~allets~