I'm sorry Shean Higgins, and I love you.

From the moment i saw you.....

sitting at the bus stop

you looked like someone i wanted to know

you were the coolest guy i'd ever seen

you were different.

you are

when i met you, i was happy

i thought that it was great that by meeting ryan i got to meet this guy that i saw at the bus stop one day.

this guy, who i'd passed up the chance to talk to so many times, i didn't miss out on meeting in the end.


so i misunderstood. i didn't sleep well. i was sick.

i was wrong. i didn't know what i was talking about.

i didn't mean to hurt you. i didn't mean to do any harm. i'm just hyper-defensive. i'm just an idiot. i just don't know my own worth (or so i'm told)

i can't get over it

i've always been like this

thank you for trying to help me out.

shean higgins. you are one of the best people that i have ever met. you are by far.  you and your guitar and your songs. you're better that you think you are too. you're a beautiful person shean higgins.

i can't imagine what i would do if you left my life now.

i can't imagine losing you.

i hadn't intended to hurt you. and i did. and i don't know if there's anything i can do to right it now.

but know that i love you

and i would never do that to you.

i'm an ass.

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chris's picture

Great piece, I liked it. I liked the flow and the clear emotions

The second Chris M