an outcry of the penitent


an outcry of the penitent,

an lamentation of Job,

ashen stained and sackcloth rent,

my soiled mourning robe.


why must the righteous suffer

whilst the wicked walk unscathed

and prey with spite to smother,

my contrite heart enslaved?


why me? why me?

why can't something else have been?

when will my daily struggling

give way to joy again?


i seek God in the wilderness.

He hides His face from me!

He makes Himself as deafened

toward my every nightly plea...


as past unveils its precedence,

i weep with dread dismay,

for i have lived in decadence

my every living day.


i search my heart with diligence;

i examine every word

and seek out for my sustenance,

The Most High God, The LORD.


fleeing from these horrors

i fall down to my knees

and pray down darkened corridors

for heaven's sweet release.


my adversaries, numerous,

have sought out my demise,

and rained upon me pestilence,

locusts, drought and lies;


firebrands assailing,

piercing darts descend,

flagrant scourges flailing,

i scarcely can defend...


i stumble among the fallen,

yet am made to persevere

and remember i am callen,

by The LORD whom i revere!


He hides me in His secret place;

He condemns the godless hoardes;

He lays upon me endless grace;

the battle is The LORD's!





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The thing about Job that

The thing about Job that eluded me all these decades is that our sentiments and thoughts go Job-ward instinctively and thus lose the complete message of the God-ward as exemplified by the last 2 stanzas; the One whom is revered and to Whom is the battle, who is and was and is to come. A tour de force!

here is poetry that doesn't always conform

galateus, arkayye, arqios,arquious, crypticbard, excalibard, wordweaver