
evaporation, they turn,

this desert of loss,

driven by the sun,

into caves unknown,

echos of past voices

fill the void, a desire

to drink a snakes venom,

to kill the thoughts

that spoil a life,


To again find water,

but only deeper within,

the release of impurities,

what the earth does,

to help you love

what keeps you alive.

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S74rw4rd's picture

This reminds me of the fifth

This reminds me of the fifth section of T. S. Eliot's poem, "The Waste Land," but your poem is not as verbose and comes right to the point of the emotion.


allets's picture


Kudos for a write that rearranges spaces nicely. I like the juxtapositioning of ideas outside their usual place - the images clash and create emotional lightening. I kept falling into the images unable to get out before the next chasm opened. Nice manipulatin of languag and vocabulary. Enjoyed thoroughly - allets.




EventHorizon's picture

Thank You. I'm trying to

Thank You. I'm trying to recover from a breakup and I'm writing to help me get through that. I write about themes of fire and dryness to convey that feeling of loss. When you depend on one person for so long you feel like a part of you is dead.

allets's picture

Not Dead, Missing

I have the same status presently. So, I fill the void with everything imaginable. I baked cookies. I am gardening early (kinda muddy but effective expenditure of energies and very distracting). I am reading a lot, updating more on national and international news to reconstruct what is vacant. It does not work - as soon as you stop doing other things, the void is still there. Hopefully, in time, it will refill. ~ allets ~




EventHorizon's picture

"Friends come and go but

"Friends come and go but lovers remain rotten in the heart". I wrote that once. Thats how my relationships usually go. It's a vicious cycle.

S74rw4rd's picture

I have experienced something

I have experienced something of that myself.  I did not get over the "great love" of my life, fully, until, fourteen years later, i met my second wife, who became and continues to be the "even greater love" of my life.  It takes time, and it hurts; and too many people---some even well meaning---like to intrude by belittling the hurt and by trying to rush your time of recovery.  It is hard, of course, but the insights in some of your poems that I have read indicate to me that you are up to the challenge and more.


EventHorizon's picture

I tend to let people I care

I tend to let people I care about have to much power over my emotions but once I learn to let go I feel that I become stronger and more sure of myself. It's people that cause me to lose my sense of self, because my self becomes tied with theirs (Take on their set of values). When I'm free of attatchments I can remember who I am and learn to fufill my potential.
allets's picture


The point at which the ego recognizes and protects itself from the other. To be secure. Period. It comes from working hard and believing hard. I try (not always succeeding) in turning harsh realities and bad encounters with strange people into something I can learn from and either have better answer for in the future or decide it is an unnecessary evil to be erradicated from the world and my thinking. Self willled forgetting is a valauable tool - the memory will store it but it does not have to plague me. Tabled, the bad or evil or unjust, losses, griefs - are compartmentalized, not for forefront thinking becaue it obscures and disfigures. for backmind storage until needed, if ever. This is how memories fade - giving them time reinforces them - slc



EventHorizon's picture

Once you have been

Once you have been betrayed(abandoned) once its easy to see it going that way again. What I have learned is to never be completely vunerable because that is when you are the easiest to hurt. To be completely in love is to be completely weak.