radium infinitus

the words whisper

they slip

into the wind

their coarse unset

as their wings

set to breeze

their very utterence

holds existence


the moment

of realization

and ignorance



the warrior unseen

as the



in its cold


View essex's Full Portfolio
Cheryl Garberson's picture

Excellent. Definately a cut above the usual random poem.

Deon Viljoen's picture

Good day

I have been reading your work, and I feel it fits into our themes!
I read hundreds of poems every month and as an amateur poet,
your style intrigued me to such an extent, that I would love to add
it to our small (± 154 poets) group of friends' website!

I would be honoured to have you aboard!

Please consider joining us!

All you have to do is to reply to this e-mail (dviljoen@tiscali.co.za) , and give your consent!

p.s. The links to the sites can be found below

mar's picture

This poem is interesting. U r good poet.
Have a nice and beautiful life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~My Best Wishes~

vettie's picture

I like your style of writing. Keep Flowin'!

Tim Z.'s picture

I don't critique to many poems cause to be honest most of what I find on here is basic formulatic drivel. But this was above that, it was very well written. Keep up the good work

djtj's picture

I felt you took a short cut on the ending...words taking on a physical form on the wind is intriguing...and the juxta between clarity and unseen warrior...then the clique ending. Interesting title as well...brillance that is continuous? or a radius that is forever?
I want to know more.

Denise Murphy's picture

Very good work. I love the play on words and the word combinations used. Peace and Blessings!

onelilartist's picture

Excellent! I could feel the wheels of my mind moving with this one. Malicious gossip would be honed and whispered and slipped into the speech.... or so many other things left unsaid that it makes this piece all the more special. I am so glad to find a well-written work in the random selection. Of course, that is what it is--random selection.


vjochum's picture

And thus be the cold rude awakening of life.
A peeling of the conditoned mask.

kiwi's picture

An intriguing poem.Quite profound.

Smile.. it is the cheapest facelift.

darkpool's picture

Yes, I liked this, clarity becomes the warrior unseen. It's nice to see a well-crafted poem among the also-rans that usually are chosen for the random poem.
