
i have none of the sort
i cant stand the situation
that is thrust at my throat
i feel the cold hands of the devil
on my shoulder blades
for these of a razor
cut my wrists who be rade
with the blood of purest evil
from the fire of hell I'm made
I'm so rugged inside
its got me to the point where
the evil in me thrive
the dark side is like a blanket
that u cannot find the end to
for when i think of good things
i only think of u
i don't want to think of u
u couldn't help me out of the hole
that i keep digging deeper
take away my shovel
for my soul is the keeper
its so deep inside the darkness
not the devil himself would
dare challenge the spiked fist
of my heart
for no one is let in too close
for the secrets of the underworld
will decide my fate the most
if one dares to cross the barrier
the barb wire fence
the signs of beware
do not play there is no chance
u shall not survive
the demons inside
i have so many its called hell
so go ahead and drive
the knife right in my back
kill me
and ill show u what hell is

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Seraphim's picture

Innocence and Instinct.

Innocence and Instinct. Light and dark. Joy and pain. Life and death. If you'll excuse the reverie, I remember when I felt like this. To be truthful, I still feel like this sometimes. But you see, I was saved soon after. The Savoir is there, but He's too much of a gentleman to save people when they don't want to be. As to the poem, it's well written; VERY descriptive, I'm placed right next to you, watching through the mind's eye. Keep writing.

Your Friend,

Post Tenebras Spero Lucem

Envy's picture

your Savoir doesnt protect me

your Savoir doesnt protect me from anything. i fear demons and without the protection of God images do not escape my mind. just last night i asked for help to get fear out of my mind so i may sleep and God did not help me. i want to be saved from this fear i live behind, but God doesnt save me. no matter what i do. no matter how hard i pray. thank you for the comment. it means a lot and thank you for trying to teach me.

Seraphim's picture

"Courage, sometimes, is

"Courage, sometimes, is merely facing our fears" I feel the same way as you sometimes... I haven't had a life full of roses either. I currently have an addiction, and though I can't forget about it, can't defeat it on my own, I know Jesus already carried it for me on the cross. It doesn't have to control me, because Jesus already defeated it. He says that He came into the world to save sinners, of which I am one of the worst. I believe that if He can forgive and sustain me, He can definitely help you. He says that all you have to do is believe that He really did sacrifice Himself for you, to give you a hope and a future, and that you come into a relationship with Him. Have you ever thought of calling the Creator of the universe "Daddy"? That's actually Biblical. As to demons, God has already won. Revelation is a glimpse of the future that God gave to John for our benefit. It shows the end of this world and the final defeat of Satan/Lucifer/Beelzebub, the real Prince of Darkness. Satan already knows that he's fighting a lost battle; all that he has left is to leave as much damage as possible. How do you hurt a father the most? Attack his children, this is his battle-plan.... anyways, I know this all may sound a little weird, but I'm trying to explain a war around you that you can't see. Just know that I'm praying for you, and you can always message me.

Your Friend,

Post Tenebras Spero Lucem

allets's picture

God Is In Me

Cool writing...mean to distract and shock, but I'm 62, little moves me. Be well and sleep, it's nice to sleep ~~A~~