Flutes of the Beloved

The flutes of the beloved

Heard wild like the horses hooves on a hot summer's night

His spirit flies and his hair is loose in the stampede

He dreams of the time,when his spirit will be free

To roam and to discover what he has not seen

The love he feels yet hasn't touched or known

And the people that fill his spirit with pride and reason

The mother of his footsteps,as she caresses his being

All that he has learned in his incarceration

Yet to be explored in the reality of this world

To hear the drumbeat flow through his soul

And dance for the spirits in the fine regalia of his people

To hold his child to the morning sun

And thank the spirits for the gift of life

He has never known the speak of the wild

Yet he tries to imagine in his own world

What this will be  and how this will feel

To walk the sacred circle with the elders

And to sit in a forest and just listen

To climb high in a mountain and converse with a eagle

Or down low and feel the eyes of the Iktomi as she weaves her web

And hear the cry of the children that will be born from the creation

Holding life in your hands is so precious you see

The spirits have told you

To listen and not speak

The flutes are playing and the drumbeats slowly

Take my hand and we will dance

The circle of our lives and the future of our destiny

Come love with me and be free

Because that is the key to all that is the mystery


Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is a poem for my friend Quetzalcoatl who is incarcerated and he is a Aztec Warrior,and we love him so very much..

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