
If I let you stroke me,

will you love me a little then?

If I let you empty your pleasure into me,

will I be good enough for you,

right for you, ok for you to care about?

Or is all you think you need is a moments ease,

a fumbling in the dark, pure detachment?

You can do that for yourself.

Do you even know what you are asking me?

Love still exists in my heart for you, in some measure.

Could I do this?  Play with your fire and escape unscathed?

You have been in my thoughts,

in my dreams more then I care for,

a distraction I do not need. You tease my senses,

making me wonder if your lips are as soft as I remember,

if your body would recognize my touch from so long ago.

What would your face look like, locked in a pleasure of my creation, and what secrets might you let me hear whispered in a soft, dark, heated night.

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Some guy missed out on a great gal and should be kicking himself. Been a long time since I visited your page, but I wanted you to know that the 4 poems you inspired, "The Dragon's Kiss", have evolved into a book that is about 2/3s done. The book will be called "Curse of the Dragon's Kiss". Hope to publish next year if I can interest a publisher. Gardenia Press expressed an interest, so soon as I finish it, I will do the final edits and forward it to them.

Hugs and Peace