
I never asked for diamonds, gold, or pearls.  

Your kisses and touch meant more then all the treasure a dragon could crave.  

I hungered for you more then anyone could.  

Addicted, lost in the wonder of the love that I had found.  

Happy prisoner as long as you held the keys to my heart in a loving grasp.  

I felt strong and secure in the love I possessed.


Then you went away.  

Oh you were still there, by me, beside me, at least physically.

Breathing, eating, sleeping, lying.  

But the part of you that I thought had been reserved only for me had disappeared.  

Sometimes I get this picture of you, my part of you, stepping aboard a ship

and I am there on the shore frantically waving to get your attention,

telling you to please come back or at least take me with you.  

Then I see you look at me and your eyes are dead for me,

no affection, no loving glances to be found.  

I freeze, a bird hypnotized by the snake, moment before the kill.  

Only this coldness spreads within me every time I think of you and wonder where your love went.  

It takes time to kill love, did you know that?  

Time, coldness and lies,

the gradual withdrawing of your affection, my main crutch in life.  

Insert an ironic laugh here, I was the one who decided in my youth to never depend on another for what I could get myself.  

I knew that love was fleeting and that you should never build your hopes and dreams upon the shifting sands of another's emotions.  

But here I am,

my world crumbling into dust around me.

I committed every mistake I swore to avoid.  

I don't know why I expected my love to be above the average,

that we would make it where so many have failed in the past.  

I just thought we would.  

I never planned on sitting here bleeding onto a keyboard.  

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Ok angst is what I seem to do best

View dragongreeneyes's Full Portfolio
Wesley Junior Rigaud's picture

This piece is beautiful
i loved it;
i'm almost glad you suffered
because without the pain
this piece would not exist;
i truly loved it.

The General