
If i write out my feelings,

Would you see a foreign language,


If i told you i loved you,

Would you hesitate to say it,


I could cry from missing you,

but to you i bet its painless,


My heart is drifting out to sea,

and there's no lifeguard here to save it,


I was warned the sea of love is dangerous,

waters torturous and vacant of empathy nor sympathy just waves of pain drowning me,


And i seen you standing at shore,

The one my heart deeply adores,

Watching me struggle against the waves,

With no sign of emotion on your face,


Gasping for air,

Trying to inhale love while surrounded by hate,

Submerged in pain,

i guess drowning was fate,


So now i must adapt,

Learn to breath without Love,

Hate now feeling my lungs,


I now swim in this sea with no need to breath- Devonte Mack

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Breathe... I feel every pain

Breathe... I feel every pain you feel

As you drown at sea, my breath becomes shallow

Gasping for air as I sense your hate

I exhale love... transmute the negativity

back into love... I need you... I love you... breathe...




Dmack8104's picture


Reading that i almost really felt as if you loved me....

An ignorant mind neglects common sense, seeking what doesn't exists, unaware of the coming abyss, and cannot see the hate behind a loving kiss. - Devonte Mack

’ ̿’̵͇̿̿з=(ˆ◡ˆ)=ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ Don't make me shoot you with my love, Its deadly..

impyshideout's picture

Well then... My job here is

Well then... My job here is complete. LOVE...spreading the love..

Dmack8104's picture


Thank You..

An ignorant mind neglects common sense, seeking what doesn't exists, unaware of the coming abyss, and cannot see the hate behind a loving kiss. - Devonte Mack

’ ̿’̵͇̿̿з=(ˆ◡ˆ)=ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ Don't make me shoot you with my love, Its deadly..