
When the day surrenders to the night

We will meet under the darkened lights

When the sun refuses to spark

We will learn to see in the dark.


I will count all of the stars

And we will name one as ours


I'd repay you for every star

From my eyes to your lips,

I'd pathe our way with the moonlight

And crown you with this kiss.


When the dawn breaks and the day is new

Before the first ray of sun breaks through

When the moon refuses to shine

We will make a home where we lie.


I have tried to count the stars

But I have never found ours.


In the morning I will gather flowers

Tulips with stalks like whips

A procession for our last rites

I'll welcome this eclipse

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Song I wrote for college! such a pain to write this one, i sort of feel like any emotion that was in it was sucked out by having to follow so many rules about how they think a song should be written but I hope its enjoyable.

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running_with_rabbits's picture

:)  "I will count all the


"I will count all the stars and name one as ours"


Much Love


allets's picture

Eclipses Are Magical

There are no rules for writing a lyric anymore so let it flow...good to see you on PP after so long ~~A~~