
If you could see the truth you could understand the horrors
You turn a blind eye to the innocent lead to slaughter
Empty-V, trash magazines, De-Ja-Vu Mirazu.
Devoid of beauty destroyed by a passion to consume.

Hear the cries of sows hanged, born and braised, bred and bled to die
One-Fifty billion voiceless victims per-annum world wide
Who are we to deny amnesty? Kikazaru.
Brutality is broadcast while abortion is taboo.

Finding ignorance through avarice, masked and now muted,
Carcass devoured, the body is a temple so sacred.
"Oppression survives through our silence" Iwazaru.
Blood money for barbarians, butchers belong in zoos.

Monkey see, Monkey do, See, hear and speak no evil
Teach a generation to live and not to kill
Join a generation that spits on Tar Hill
We need revol, We need revol, we need revolution.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

A song I wrote for college using the imagery and concept of the three wise monkeys to discuss the subject of vegetarianism and the brutal reality of the meat industry. Not sure how well it'll fit along side everyone elses love songs, but here we are.

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running_with_rabbits's picture


Lemons I ADORE you! and you do not post enough :p

Much Love


allets's picture

Not A Vegetarian or Vegan

Your place is fine next to our fluff - reality as revolution because of food however is thin. Metaphors for butchers as warriors slaughtering during war - I get that. Pigs, La Boeuf, just had a hamburger for dinner with cheese wishing for bacon - revolution would be: forcing every child to graduate highschool and graduate from a trade school if they can't afford college - i'm just sayin' also you don't post enough - Crews aka ~~A~~