
You're the lighthouse in the fog.
my light to see when I'm in the dark.
when things seemed to go wrong,
you were there for me.
Time continued rolling on
and I waited and waited and waited.
wanting a single gift no one could give.
then you were there for me.
I can't explain how happy I am
now that you are here by my side.
When I cry, you make me laugh,
you always know how to make me feel good.
But never in my life did I ever get
a present as beautiful as you.
But this christmas I woke up
and went to see everyone in the room
waiting for me so the presents could be unwrapped.
With the chess set and the horses,
the chocolate, and the coats
gift after gift I unwrapped.
Yet none of that meant as much to me
as the present I continually looked at.
Your love to me was the best gift of all
and now I know what they meant.
when they said in a song about christmas spirit
that "I never knew the meaning of christmas
till you came into my life.
I was lost in the dark,
till you opened my heart
like an angel shining bright.
I wished on a star
and girl here you are
and suddenly I realized.
That I never knew the meaning of christmas
till I looked into your eyes."
Forever and ever I will hold you close
Tight in my arms each night
never wanting to let go.
I love you so much.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This was written on Christmas 2001 after I met my (now ex)fiancee.  It is dedicated to her.

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