I sit waiting on the edge of my seat
music playing while I wait
cheerful and upbeat
but I keep waiting
waiting for it to arrive
waiting for it to show
waiting for what
you the reader do not know.
I sit here waiting all the while
writing about waiting
trying to get you to smile
but if you're like me
a smile is hard to find
when you, just like me
are waiting blind
waiting for something that may never come
waiting for something that will not run
if you are reading this then you know it to be true
you're waiting on my waiting
hoping I'll tell you
rest easy though, my dear and true friend
for though I am not done waiting
your waiting is coming to an end.
for you see, the thing that I am waiting for
is a thing that has no name.
quite simply I'm waiting
for an update for a game.
now you know and your waiting is done
or perhaps you're waiting has only begun.
for you see, we're always waiting for something
always passing from one point to the next
waiting for something complex
because if it were simple
then our wait would be
over and done with
and we'd be dead you see.
You did succeed at making me laugh. Or at least chuckle.
Copyright © JessterStarshine