the life they chose

This life ain't meant for me
I'm not close to the man I wanna be
Why is it so hard for you to see
That all I want in life is to live free

Please nigga look up in the sky
So u can see all the kids that had to die
With dreams of being able to fly
Now they look down and watch their mommas cry

All these kids so anxious to claim blue or red
There's not a day passed that one of those kids ain't dead
I try to warn them I hope they heard what I said
But when I watch the news I hear another one of those kids took one to the head

This shit makes me so mad I swear
The sad part is these kids don't even care
Until there friends are no longer their
And now all they can do is scream its not fair

I'm trying to warn yo ass
Theirs gonna be alot of tests in life I hope you pass
I don't wanna see you end up like the last
Bullets dont have names and they coming to fast
But Am I the person you wanna be
Always looking over my shoulder cause I swear someone's trying to kill me
This ain't the life for you I can see
So please run away from this life so I don't have to see another kid on t.v.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I made thus poem with my life in mind. I'm in a gang cause I had no one to turn to. Its not the life for lot of people and I see so many innocent people die over it.

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i like it, i want to read

i like it, i want to read some more