Deaf, Dumb, and Blind; Mid-Twenties' Nothings Roam Freely and Graze


I want to take a moment and speak with my peers for a bit, k?


Standing, as Suess had said, specks upon a speck
Noble, but jittery
with such uncertainty
but marching ahead with predication


We expect too much to happen for us these days
Where everybody gets a trophy, everybody smiles


Looking outside the visual realm
on a cellular level


Reading between the lines
we should be deservedly slapping ourselves


When do we reach a breaking point as a life vessel
and say, 'this is enough prepackaged bullshit for a lifetime?'
and 'this is reverse Darwinism!'
and 'I adhere to a Nega-self!'


A world where we congratulate the buffoon
and admonish the risk-taker?


What is this world!?!


The fact is
on any given day
Honey Boo Boo can get more viewers than the Republic National Convention
because while reality TV's brainless
it somehow speaks to a greater truth than the athletes, politicians, news people, and famous minds
that past generations used to revere


The culture has changed from an Cadillac to an Ariel Atom
From Ella Fitzgerald to Ke$ha
Faster, sleeker, attractive
emptier, and more marketable


Maybe we should change our i-Pinions
and give content another go?


Let's reward the unconventional soul
that transcends stereotypical banter


Let's see an informational and determination-entrenched renaissance

but it appears we've lost our voice


The emboldened public majority used to have sensible air to breathe
around the logical epicenter of humanity
and it used to overthrow idiocy


We didn't need to risk our fiscal and emotional lives to try and be more than what we are


Making things worse
we don't have the opportunity to rely on elders
because they were never there in the first place
or they don't understand this lame new world
of public relations and happy endings


Truthfully, sometimes I even just expect these words to type themselves, that the reading public should just understand what I write without explanation, context


I admit it
but at least I'm getting stronger, sharper


What makes young adults today so fucking mushy and flavorless?!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Tired of seeing my generation turn into an amorphous blob-like puddle of pre-chewed, pre-digested, dickless, hopeless, heartless, disregarded nitwits - my contempt is from a place of genuine sorrow, we can be more than what cable television tells us to be ..and that message should be bombarding the ears of my peers

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Morningglory's picture

Well, you sure kept me

Well, you sure kept me reading. I think I might like your mind. :)

On to read more of your stuff...

Copyright © morningglory

deepblue's picture

very much appreciated thank

very much appreciated thank you :)

allets's picture


Transcendental stereotypical banter - what a fine observation of the state of the youth state - scholars are reading, not watching tv and with cable, there are documentaries and netflixs of great women to watch. To think - YOU are in there somewhere - ranting - I call it a purge poem par excellence! - Truth told - end of line - allets