

Unexplained, unsolved
Could be a crime committed
Answers untold, no clues to frame
Can’t be put in jail; I’m far from a story
A book, a poem that can be written
It can be anything you desire if you be the author
But what you wish for can’t come true

It can be a song, it can be a voice
A word of wisdom, a word of some courage
Inspiration in a tone, meaning in a symbol
What will it represent?
What will be proven when you take a look?

Got to look deep inside, ask more than one question
Research facts, research theories
This journey is far from over
Have you found out from the clues?

Putting each piece of the puzzle together
It can’t be described to the last detail
An infamous mystery untold
A question without an answer

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Basically, Writing is a Mystery. You never know what you can come up with. Like a Poem, it's put together by different Thoughts and Feeling's. You have to find your Grabber like a Story and ask those Questions.

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9inety's picture


anything is possible in the power of your own mind, it is a mystery to me that more poets, artists and poeple in general for that matter do not realize that simple fact


"One of the best results of life, is the torment of love"

Dylan Eliot

Dark_Scorpion's picture


Thanks Dylan for your comment!

~*~ [ Blessed Be ] ~*~

9inety's picture


are very welcome
keep writing


"One of the best results of life, is the torment of love"

Dylan Eliot

Dark_Scorpion's picture


Always writing. The pen never seems to stop at most times. hah

~*~ [ Blessed Be ] ~*~