Nameless Nectar


Isolation dwells within us,

a cave of either self-fulfilling

freedom else anxiety,

a surreal sacrifice 

into blue-fog beginnings,

nameless nectar of

the kiss of angels,

enchanting embrace 

of protective wings,

following a gleaming guidance.

Oh and silent specters

signify presence

with subtle powers.

Empty coffee mug on a glass table

because the drug is drunk.


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This poem uses a rather

This poem uses a rather conversational, almost dis-arming, tone to conceal a profound depth of meaning.  It is very architectural---bookended by images of isolation and emptiness, yet cleverly concealing its center of gravity, the nameless nectar, within itself, almost in a separate chamber that opens for the reader at the Poet's direction.  I think this is the kind of poem that must be read more than once in order to fully appreciate it.  In that way, it reminds me of a lodge initiation---after one's first experience, it has to be revisited in order to experience the nuances entirely.

Starward, to become J-Called on June 17th, 2024

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The effects of deprivation:a

The effects of deprivation:a sacred practice unveiling holiness

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for prostitues