Twitching Wrinkles


Desparate walking stick through crowded streets.

Hip college kids and honking vehicles.

Presently coffee the only need,

sauntering through church courtyards as the bells

clang a melancholy devotion,

echoing through the entire tiny town.

But because there ain't ever loneliness,

entertainment indeed is easily found.

The twitching facial wrinkles only scold,

intolerant to dumb misbehavior.

Despite knowledge of becoming so old

secret wisdom is yet soaring and dear.


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Poet, you command a variety

Poet, you command a variety of voices in the delivery of your marvelous poetry.  We have read, in the last few days, your invocative, evocative voice; now you have given us your colloquial conversational voice.  Both are equally valid:  the skill, which you possess demonstrably and obviously, is knowing which one to deploy, and when.  I applaud this entry in your growing collection.  I reminded me of my undergrad experience back in the days of the dinosaurs.

Starward, to become J-Called on June 17th, 2024