Dark Night


As the shadowy figures emerge

seeming to be an otherworldly dark visage,

like the tremendous trees and branches

becoming rather bleak and scary silhouettes,

solemn giants who don't move

in the dark hush of a haunting night

and the abysmal absence of sunshine.

The crazy chill creeps dauntingly discreet

and pierces the soul into lamentation

for the sudden lack of light and life,

adoration for gorgeous calm annihilated

with the smacking silence of death.

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allets's picture

The Winter Of Our Discontent


I want this one behind me. spooky!





Pungus's picture

Then the poem has some

Then the poem has some effective sucess

bananas are the perfect food

for prostitues

S74rw4rd's picture

Wow, what a change---not in

Wow, what a change---not in artistry, as that always remains constant and consistent in your poems---but the silence and stilness that you evoke, after having posted several poems of choreographed movement.  This poem is exactly opposite in its approach---it is stasis, silence, eeriness and entropy.  It reminds me of some of the bleakest passages of Eliot's poem, The Hollow Men, but more accessible and reader-friendly than that poem is.  But, as you have done before, you bring the poem to a stunning, and very final sounding, conclusion.  

Starward, to become J-Called on June 17th, 2024