What's a decade here and there?


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As an officially old person,

As an officially old person, I can say, with some credibility, that the poem's ninth and tenth lines (these are located in the second stanza) are entirely---profoundly!---accurate.  My health is failing, and quite a bit of my body does not work correctly, if at all.  But in the realm of heart and mind---which I call the soul---I am still dwelling in the best year of my life, 1976, when I turned eighteen, enjoyed the presence of my first Beloved, and also had fallen in love with Poetry.  The age in which my body finds itself is not the age in which my soul delights.

Starward becoming J-Called

arqios's picture

Oh my, thank you. We may have

Oh my, thank you. We may have stumbled upon a secret key here, home back on to a point in our life's resumé and use as a diving board and refuelling station the best of the best. That is the thread that lengthens and intertwines, hope being the needle/shuttle that moves in the tapestry making journey of life.

here is poetry that doesn't always conform

galateus, arkayye, arqios,arquious, crypticbard, excalibard, wordweaver