I Wish I Was Special!


I wish I was special,

just like you are to me.

Crawling down the stairs,

helped me to see.

Because now I feel special,

just like you do now.

Grasp my hand,

I need you somehow.

Trembling on my knees,

crying out to God...

He's making me see,

I drowned in my own blood.

Pick the lilies,

and give them to my Mommy,

because she's specail too...

just like me.

Desperate tears,

drain my soul.

My brain is twisted...

so I was told.

I live to encourage,

I live to be free.

I live to send a message,

I live to be me.

I live to die,

but I live to love too.

I live cause I'm special,

I live because of you.

Blow me away wind...

if you can.

I'm not going anywhere,

I stay where I stand!

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J Goff's picture

there is noone here but me. i love your stuff.