


    I work 9-5.

    I don't feel alive.

    Every day is the same.

    It's enough to drive a person insane.

    At work, about me nobody seems to care.  They don't seem to know, I'm even there.

    I just do my job and go home.  I'm all alone.

    There don't care if I stay or go.

    My fate is to be ailenate

    I'm just another clone.  I can't wait to go home.

    They at work just me ignore, I can't wait to go out the door.

    The bosses are away, above, apart.  A knife driven through a heart.

    They're in a really, really, tall tower.  They have all the power.

    Sometimes they want me to work overtime.  This is'nt fine.  Vacations and weekends too.  I'm blue.

    I see, there are so many more just like me.  They'd love to take my place.  They'd love to take my space.

    My fate has been decided.  I can't hide.

    Same is every week.  Another life, another job, more I want to seek.

    To this life, there has to be more.  I want to explore. I need another door.

    There has to be an end.  I need to find a friend.

    Same is every day.  I get my pay.

    I have a lot of fear.  I don't have a career.

    Every day, I don't make any headway.


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Lesa Gay's picture

We all seem to fall into this catagory of life. Every day becoming the same as the day before. As far as needing a friend, you have one, as so do I. Great insite write.
