
             Love conquers all.

        The island in the stormy sea.

        The oasis in the burning hot desert.

        The river in the middle of the plain.

        The national park in the middle of the country.

        The watering hole in the middle of the African desert.

        The park in the middle of a crowed city.

             That is love.

                When she comes back to you,

                When she comes back to you,

               after you think it is over.

               When she says let's try it again,

           after you thought she was gonna leave you


           When the day comes unexpectedly after

           a very short night.

           When the storm breaks.

              It is good sometimes, I think to be apart.

              It is.

              Coming home after a long trip.

           It makes you see how much you really, really, love

       That feeling of looking into each other's eyes again.

       That feeling.


              Coming home to you.

              I'm coming home to you.

              I'm coming home to you.

              I cannot wait to see my baby again.

              My baby.

              I love you baby.  How I love my baby


              Love is

            caring, fun, funny, intelligent, hillarious, interesting, loving romantic.

            and more.

     It is wonderful if love is beautiful and has great eyes.

     It is wonderful if love is beautiful and has great eyes.

          It is not critical.

          It is not critical.      


              Real, true, honest.

              Beautiful as a rainbow over a waterfall.

              Sweet as a three year old.

              Touching as a child's hug.

              Emotional as a child telling you they love you.

              Solid as a stone.

              Hard as a rock.

              Pure as gold.

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