
The last few days I have had an epiphany about life. Everything I think of
completes a puzzle long over due to be finished....

For those who know about being reborn, our minds are more sharp and more
dangerous then those who just take things in moderation. The "moderates"
Don't realize their potential for greatness and may also lack the understanding
of what life truly is. We should consume ourselves in life, it's one of the greatest
gifts we posses. We can create life, give life, take life, guide others through life,
and we can bend life to understand how to make it straight again. We are the ones
that manifest ideas some render useless and use them to complete a bigger

"You may hurt my body, and take my life, but it is my ideas that will live on forever..."

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this somewhere in the year 2008

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I write because. . .

I think ideas change things, eventually. Like racism or bias verging on psychotic from one group against another. Just watched Auchwich. 1865 to 1965 race wars and hell for African Americans but it will be 2065 before enough generations have died (especially us) to change outlooks. Writers with foresight and premonitionary postures (through their arrogance and ego, I believe solemnly) will be read then with cleaner hearts and have the words of these times to help them evolve. Too much - bye, yours in writing-Lady A