

Your cold hand touches my cheek,

There is sheer terror in this, this

Romance with [little] meaning.

Your majestic eyes stare straight through me

And your gleaming skin blinds me

There is so much that I can't understand.

The exact opposite of thought posseses me

As your lips touch mine

I laugh in pure ecstasy

You [feel] so alive

But you [look] so dead

I look away and give you the gun

There is sheer beauty in this, this

Romance with so much meaning

You feel so alive

Capture me again,

Stare through me again

Make me feel alive.

Kill me again.

Your face smiles down at me,

I laugh.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Change by the Deftones and Anne Rice books inspired

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Bryan Adam Tomimbang's picture

Great write. I love Anne Rice and her protaganist Lestat...