The power of True Self & Here Now

Chest aches

Past and future occur all at once

Here Now.

Oh, how I do not know how to feel about this.

Oh, how I know there are too many emotions at once

to be able to choose a response.

Who I was, Who I will be

they shift and rearrange

according to who I am

right now.

There is nothing but right now!

All time packed into a little moment

a breath

these tears,

the silence that pulls me,


Into the perfect direction.

Yet there is no up, down, right, left.

All directions at once

within this infinite circle

of here and now.

Who is writing this?

It couldn't be "me",

for I act irritable







How my personality has lead me

far away from here.

From this place where I die

and I become the infinite body

of light

that I was born to shine.

Oh how words

Oh how actions

Oh how personality

could never fully express


or define

Who is writing this

Here Now.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Die to this love, and you will be shown a you that has no "you" in it.

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