Do I?


You've got no idea of the tricks this mind can play.

The games that I can involve you in,

The lies I cn entwine you in.

The billowing tar I continue to breathe,

The yellow, green pus that continues to seethe,

Filling me with hatred,

Emotions so strong.

You have no idea.

You're so fucking wrong.

The tortured soul of an abused child,

The singled out girl in gym class going wild,

The isolated yet most sexy dancer on the floor,

Intrigues you right to your very sick core...

Do I?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this because - a lot of people say shit about me and yet they have no idea who I am or what made me this way. Think before you speak you stupid fucking vain assholes.

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Lasohnda Harris's picture

i like this poem and can relate