I Was Thrown Out Of The Sandsea

It’s overwhelming but little by little I await your return.

I guess I am stubborn to do so although dangerous.

But when you said “it” the feeling of determination

can never be compromised.  Well I’m wrong.

Dying in the sandsea, alone, perspiration at critical,

morose, I thought love, blatant as the thought, is forever.

If I call out your name it echoes and you do not hear me

in this nowhere.  But if realized the power I felt for you,

you would find on the flaming sand these bones.

Love is not forever when no longer you aren’t aware.

Forever, the bones are.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Prose  /  A poem written for a close friend and what he felt in his last relationship.

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I feel sorry for him too. - Kevin L.