Censured America

[note:  Warning!  The following poem is very vulgar.  Viewer discretion is advised]

Oh, censured America how do you do it?

To leave history one biased idea after another.

What about the others you've left behind?

You censured history for only the powerful's sake.

What about the women, yes, women who fought

in the American Revolutionary War, for example.

There's a general bias going on in this world that men

were the ones fighting for freedom in America.  Oh ya?  

What about Sybil Ludington who is known as the

female counterpart of the well known Paul Revere?

She was only 16 as she rode warning of the British invasion.

Or how about Deborah Sampson who dressed

and acted as a man during the War.  

She fought for three years in the war, was shot twice,

and was later discovered that she was actually a woman?  

And how she didn't receive a government pension

until she died.  The government after her death gave her

pension and a medal of honor to her husband who was still alive?

I know a probable reason why the government would

wait to give her these things after she passed on.  

The government didn't want to ACKNOWLEDGE A WOMAN

who fought in the Revolutionary war.  That's what!!!!

Why America would you not teach these bits of history

in school education?  In grade school?

In middle or even high school?  Why censure that?

To keep the powerful in power, perhaps?

Let's take another example.

In America today, homosexuals and gay marriages

are fully opposed against by many Americans.

In one book I've read, Censured America,

a fundamental Christian explained how fags are a thing

of filth and disgust.

How they shall be punished by the Lord and that

each gay or lesbian, bi, transgender, or transexual

will burn in hell.  That these people aren't deserving life?  

That they should just die?  Is that so?

Well, what about this, Censured America?

Most people don't even know this but I've read it in history.

Didn't you know, Censured America, that Micheal Angelo

for example was bisexual?  It's sad most people don't know that.

Moreover, how can someone such as Michael Angelo,

in the eyes of a Christian fundamentalist, see him

as filthy and not deserving of life when he created

wonderful pieces of art?  He imparted creativity and

his soul into his art that was breathtakingly beautiful.

His art is cherished by millions around the world?  

And he's BISEXUAL !?!?!

Why Censured America, do you not want to admit it?

Or how about another example, Censured America?

Why is it that we take long to progress in politics?

Why is it that only white, rich male politicians

take office and hold power?

And don't say look at Condeleeza Rice.

Condeleeza Rice had to claw her way to the top

just to be in position.

But what about a female president, Censured America?

Why can't we have a female president for once?

Take a look at other countries who have women in power

"as well as" men.

Take the Philippines for example.

President Aquino, a women, became the first female

president in the Philippines.  

We still have yet another female president

holding office today.

What about Germany, Censured America?

Germany has now positioned a women to hold

Chancellor of Germany.

It's sad, Censured America, how we haven't truly

progressed in the American society.

What about health as another example?

Healthcare within the United States is a two-tiered system.

Healthcare is in reality better available to the rich

and barred from the poor.

Some of the poor look like they have health similar

to that of a third world country.

That's absolutely pathetic!!!!

Let's tackle another example.

What about Native Americans and how they've been

truly exploited of their lands?

There's bullshit about compensating them through giving them

education, jobs via thru a biased perception of getting jobs

by building casinos, etc.

Did you know that during the Revolutionary War, several

tribes supported the Americans.  

Some even fought alongside too!

It's sad because then there goes the bias history to many

Americans that white men only fought in the

Revolutionary War!!!!

The government from then (the past) promised the

Native's land back but then what happened?

These tribes were brutally stripped of their land

and forced to walk, yes walk, from the fucking east coast

all the way to Oklahoma to live in fucking reservations.

Their lives were never the same again.

Did you know, Censured America, how that literally

tens of thousands died from the walk?

You may say you want to compensate for the damage

through teaching these bits of history to schools

and providing jobs to these Natives, etc.,

but that isn't sufficient.

Let's look at one final piece of example, Censured America.

What about the war in Iraq today, Censured America?

The Executive branch finally ADMITTED, yes ADMITTED, they

were holding detainees in secret prisons.

Why censure the truth in the beginning, Executive branch

of the government?

Did you know that people were brutally beaten

in those prisons?

And don't say that it's for our FUCKING NATIONAL SECURITY!!!

And you may say that our American laws don't apply to the

detainees but how about UNIVERSAL HUMAN WELFARE LAWS that

explain that these people don't deserve to beaten

the truth out of them.

They have human rights too just like us, Censured America.

They live and breath just like us.

So what, Censured America, your going to tell those detainees

to stop breathing and die because of National Security for

the country?

I wouldn't want someone from another country to beat the

FUCKING SHIT OUT OF ME and say that it's for national

security, bitch, you have no rights as a human

to breath or to live...

What about the issues branching out from the war, Censured America?

Do you know that out of security, people were unjustly placed

with racial profiles and stereotypes?

There are SO many issues censured as well.

How tragic, Censured America, that these things occur

in the American society.

You may say, Censured America, how we are advancing ourselves

when in reality, we never progressed at all.....

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written on October 13, 2006;  When I first wrote this I was hesitant about posting this up for quite some time.  But, I think it's okay for me to voice out some of the issues in American Society today; one of which is how American history censures the more crucial bits of history that I think should be taught and incorporated in grade, midde, and high schools.  When I was young, I absolutely never knew about these things.  The things I learned were about white male, male, and male history such as the American civil war, Revolutionary war, the American presidents, the government, and how history makes us think only white males fought for freedom in the country, etc. So feel free to criticize me or leave a comment if you wish.  As you've noticed, all the written things I've done show that I'm a progressive thinker and critical citizen.  Also, if you analyze carefully, you'll see that I'm a male liberal feminist (and proud of it).  So what if I'm for women's rights?  Also, if you're wondering about the tens of thousands of Native American's that were forced out of their lands to live in reservations, that was "The Trail of Tears."

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